Install Module In Opencart

Do the following to install Opencart Custom Product Designer Module:

  1. Installed vQmod. (How to install vQmod on Opencart?)
  2. Extract the archive file on your machine that you’ve downloaded from CodeCanyon. We included install packet and document in this file. Please choose folder compatibility with version of Opencart.
  3. Upload the 4 folders found inside (admin, catalog, tshirtecommerce, vqmod) to your OpenCart root installation and merge them with the existing ones.
  4. With Opencart 1.5.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x access your Opencart Admin and go to Extensions > Module find T-Shirt eCommerce Module and click on the green Install button.
    With Opencart 2.3.x access your Opencart Admin and go to Extensions > Choose the extension type is Modules, on Modules list find T-Shirt eCommerce Module and click on the green Install button.
  5. Go to System> Users> Users Groups choose Aministrator Groupfind and check to catalog/tshirtecommerce,module/tshirtecommerce,tshirtecommerce/ajax in Access Permission and Modify Permission.
  6. Then you click to Save button to finish installation.
Install Module In Opencart

Note: If you have rename [admin] folder to [new-admin] folder, please do the following:

All coldplay albums. Maybe I’m just being nostalgic.When you look at where to draw the line, your guess is as good as mine. Speed of Sound may not be the best example, if only because I feel like that song calls for that sound I’m describing, but it also has the best example (from that album) that I could think of of that sound.I don’t mean to imply that what they grew into was bad, or anything.

  • Copy all files and folders in [admin] folder on step 3 to [new-admin] folder
  • Go to /vqmod/ folder and update file pathReplaces.php same below:

Video tutorial for install opencart

If you have the ftp set up in opencart then installing modules is very easy. You must simply upload the module archive through the admin. For correct sms module working vQmod for OpenCart must be installed.! - valid for OpenCart 1.4.7 -, for Opencart 2.0 and higher you don't need to install.