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Lisa Kudrow, better known as Phoebe Buffay from her popular character in the American sitcom Friends, is one of the most popular actors today. Her funky, off-beat character got her many accolades from all corners and even today people recognise her as Pheobe. If you are also a Pheobe Buffay fan, then here is a list of Lisa Kudrow’s other projects that you must watch.Lisa Kudrow’s projects besides Friends 1. The Opposite of Sex (1998)Lisa Kudrow played one the leading characters in the 1998 romantic comedy. Directed by Don Roos, the film starred Christina Ricci and Martin Donovan along with Kudrow. The film won her the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actress and a nomination for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female as well.2. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997)Romy and Michele's High School Reunion traced the story of two women who fake being highly successful in front of their high school classmates.

The film is considered to be a cult classic today. Fun some nights album zip. The film starred Lisa Kudrow, Mira Sorvino, Janeane Garofalo, Camryn Manheim, and Alan Cumming and was directed by David Mirkin.

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The Comeback (2005)Lisa Kudrow turned a producer, writer, and actor for the 2005 HBO series The Comeback. The second season of the show was made in 2014 and both the seasons turned out to be a huge success. She received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and was nominated for both seasons.4. Kabluey (2007)Lisa Kudrow received much appreciation for her role in the 2007 comedy film, Kabluey. Directed by Scott Prendergast, the film was lauded by the critics. Kudrow even won the Satellite Awards for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy that year.

I Love You (2007)Lisa Kudrow’s short-timed role in the hit romantic film, P.S. I Love You was widely appreciated.

The film was an enormous success at the box office. It is still considered to be one of the best romantic films to date.Get the latest from India & around the world. Now follow your favourite television celebs and telly updates.

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