Multimedia Transcoding Tool

Related Terms.The process of converting a media file or object from one to another. Transcoding is often used to convert video formats (i.e., Beta to VHS, VHS to, QuickTime to ). But it is also used to fit files and graphics files to the unique constraints of mobile and other Web-enabled products. These devices usually have smaller screen sizes, lower memory, and slower rates. In this scenario, transcoding is performed by a transcoding or device, which receives the requested document or file and uses a specified annotation to adapt it to the client.

Video transcoding is basically the process of converting video files that are unsupported by your devices media player into compatible resolutions and formats. If your TV, for example, is a FHD TV set and you have a couple of high-quality (say 4K) videos on your NAS storage, transcoding will come in handy as media files will be converted into.

This article needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: – ( October 2015) Transcoding is the direct digital-to-digital conversion of one to another, such as for data files, audio files (e.g., ), or (e.g., ). This is usually done in cases where a target device (or ) does not support the format or has limited storage capacity that mandates a reduced file size, or to convert incompatible or obsolete data to a better-supported or modern format.In the analog video world, transcoding can be performed just while files are being searched, as well as for presentation.

For example, and files have been widely used as a common format for, but the data size of a two-hour movie is about 8 (TB). That large size can increase the cost and difficulty of handling movie files. However, transcoding into a lossless format has better compression performance than other lossless coding technologies, and in many cases, JPEG2000 can compress images to half-size.Transcoding is commonly a, introducing; however, transcoding can be lossless if the output is either losslessly compressed or uncompressed. The process of transcoding into a lossy format introduces varying degrees of, while the transcoding from lossy to lossless or uncompressed is technically a lossless conversion because no information is lost; however, the process is irreversible and is more correctly known as destructive.

Contents.Process Transcoding is a two-step process in which the original data is decoded to an intermediate uncompressed format (e.g., for audio; for video), which is then encoded into the target format.Re-encoding/recoding One may also re-encode data in the same format, for a number of reasons:Editing If one wishes to edit data in a compressed format (for instance, perform image editing on a image), one will generally decode it, edit it, then re-encode it. This re-encoding causes; thus if one wishes to edit a file repeatedly, one should only decode it once, and make all edits on that copy, rather than repeatedly re-encoding it. Similarly, if encoding to a lossy format is required, it should be deferred until the data is finalised, e.g. After mastering.

Lower bitrate is a process similar to transcoding in which files are coded to a lower bitrate without changing video formats; this can include, but may use an identical sampling rate with higher compression. This allows one to fit given media into smaller storage space (for instance, fitting a onto a ), or over a lower bandwidth channel. Changing the picture size of video is known as transsizing, and is used if the output resolution differs from the resolution of the media. On a powerful enough device, image scaling can be done on playback, but it can also be done by re-encoding, particularly as part of transrating (such as a image requiring a lower bitrate).One can also use formats with, that allow one to easily lower the bitrate without re-encoding, but quality is often lower than a re-encode.

For example, in bitrate peeling as of 2008, the quality is inferior to re-encoding.Drawbacks The key drawback of transcoding in lossy formats is decreased quality. Are cumulative, so transcoding causes a progressive loss of quality with each successive generation, known as. For this reason, transcoding (in lossy formats) is generally discouraged unless unavoidable.For users wanting to be able to re-encode audio into any format, and for, it is best to retain a master copy in a (such as, and others) that take around half the storage space needed when compared to original uncompressed formats (such as, and ), as lossless formats usually have the added benefit of having options, which are either completely missing or very limited in PCM formats.

These lossless formats can be transcoded to PCM formats or transcoded directly from one lossless format to another lossless format, without any loss in quality. They can be transcoded into a lossy format, but these copies will then not be able to be transcoded into another format of any kind (PCM, lossless, or lossy) without a subsequent loss of quality.For users are advised to capture or save images in a or uncompressed format, and then edit a copy of that master version, only converting to lossy formats if smaller file sized images are needed for final distribution. As with audio, transcoding from lossy format to another format of any type will result in a loss of quality.For, (for video converting), images are normally compressed directly during the recording process due to the huge that would be created if they were not, and because the huge storage demands being too cumbersome for the user otherwise. However, the amount of compression used at the recording stage can be highly variable, and is dependent on a number of factors, including the quality of images being recorded (e.g.

Analog or digital, standard def. Or high def., etc.), and type of equipment available to the user, which is often related to budget constraints – as highest quality digital video equipment, and storage space, may be expensive. Effectively this means that any transcoding will involve some cumulative image loss, and hence the most practical solution insofar as minimizing loss of quality is for the original recording to be deemed the master copy, and for desired subsequent transcoded versions, which will often be in a different format and smaller file size, to be transcoded only from that master copy.Usage Although transcoding can be found in many areas of content adaptation, it is commonly used in the area of content adaptation. In this case, transcoding is a must, due to the diversity of and their capabilities.

This diversity requires an intermediate state of content adaptation in order to make sure that the source content will adequately function on the target device to which it is sent.Transcoding video from most consumer can reduce the file size significantly while keeping the quality about the same. This is possible because most consumer cameras are, power-constrained devices having neither the processing power nor the robust power supplies of desktop CPUs.One of the most popular technologies in which transcoding is used is the (MMS), which is the technology used to send or receive messages with media (image, sound, text and video) between mobile phones. For example, when a camera phone is used to take a digital picture, a high-quality image of usually at least 640x480 is created.

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When sending the image to another phone, this high resolution image might be transcoded to a lower resolution image with fewer colors in order to better fit the target device's screen size and color limitations. This size and color reduction improves the user experience on the target device, and is sometimes the only way for content to be sent between different mobile devices.Transcoding is extensively used by software to reduce the usage of by video files. The most common operation in this application is the transcoding of files to the or format.Real-time transcoding in a many-to-many way (any input format to any output format) is becoming a necessity to provide true search capability for any multimedia content on any mobile device, with over 500 million videos on the web and a plethora of mobile devices.History Before the advent of semiconductors and integrated circuits, realtime resolution and frame rate transcoding between different standards was achieved by a / combination. The CRT part does not write onto a, but onto a thin, dielectric target; the camera part reads the deposited charge pattern at a different scan rate from the back side of this target. The setup could also be used as a.See also Concepts. Data transformation.Comparison.Notes.

Margaret Rouse. ^'Advancements in Compression and Transcoding: 2008 and Beyond',(SMPTE),2008, webpage:. Branson, Ryan (6 July 2015).

Online Video Converter. Retrieved 10 August 2015. (PDF). General Electric Corporation.

10 April 1961. Retrieved 21 April 2017.References.

P. Assuncao and M. Ghanbari, ',' in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 953-967, Dec. 1998. Huifang Sun, Xuemin Chen, and Tihao Chiang, New York, CRC Press, 2005.External links.