Green Arrow Escape Supermax Script

Nearly ten years ago, a hot script, written by Justin Marks and David S. Goyer, was gaining steam.

This week, we’re traveling back to 2008 to examine David S. Goyer and Justin Marks’ aborted Green Arrow project, Super Max. The version of the script that’s leaked online has the full title Green Arrow: Escape from Super Max, for what it’s worth. Also, only Justin Marks has the writing credit, but all of the reports at the time list. Green Arrow: Escape from the Supermax is one of DC/Warner upcoming projects, despite being on wait. Download adobe pagemaker 7.0 notes. It's a movie about Green Arrow, also.

That script was called Super Max, which told the story of Green Arrow getting framed for murder and sent to a prison filled with DC Comics villains. There he plans an escape, in the process coming across villains ranging from Lex Luthor to The Joker and more.for more detail on the script.Nothing came of it. While Marks was hired to write a very early draft of Suicide Squad, that iteration was dropped.Goyer recently commented on the project and detailed why it was scrapped and how it would have differed from the upcoming Suicide Squad:“I think if that script had come over the transom a couple of years later It was completely ahead of its time. By the way, everything I see about Suicide Squad looks fantastic and it’s a different story. But it Super Max was absolutely ahead of its time.You know, Marvel was considering doing the Sinister Six and at the time, God, I think this was eight or nine years ago that we wrote a couple of drafts, but it certainly was like this oddball project at Warner Bros at the time, they were like – even though the script was good – ‘why would we make a movie about a bunch of villains? That makes no sense.’The executive on it was really visionary, but the higher-ups, none of whom are at Warner Bros any more, just thought at the time, you know, we just want to make Batman and Superman movies. We don’t want to make any other characters.But this is before Marvel had really taken off, before more obscure projects like Guardians of the Galaxy or Ant-Man or things like that had huge success, before the current gold rush I guess, if you will.

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It’s natural that eventually someone was going to make a villain movie, so that’s just what happened!”Source.