World Fair X Ray

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SOURCE: The Atlantic
Breaking News
tags: Missouri, Worlds Fair, St Louis, 1904
by Alan Taylor

Alan Taylor is a senior editor at The Atlantic, where he oversees the Photo section.

In April 1904, St. Louis opened its doors to the world for what was officially called the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, but was widely known as the St. Louis World’s Fair. Millions of dollars had been spent to build the 1,200-acre fairgrounds and its nearly 1,500 buildings—a huge scale that ended up delaying the opening by a year. During the eight months the fair stayed open, nearly 20 million people paid a visit. On display were marvels of technology, agriculture, art, and history, and there were amusement rides and entertainment to be found in a section called “the Pike.” The fair introduced a huge audience to some relatively new inventions such as private automobiles, outdoor electric lighting, and the X-ray machine—as well as foods from across the United States and around the world. The exposition also had a focus on anthropological exhibits—with an approach that is shocking by today’s standards: In some cases, organizers brought people from the Philippines, the Arctic, and elsewhere to the fairgrounds as set pieces among re-creations of their home environment or villages. After the fair closed, nearly all of its structures were demolished within a short time, leaving only a few footprints, ponds, and canals in Forest Park in St. Louis.

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A very large building is devoted to the exhibits of the Department of Electricity. Including the court, the building covers eight acres and the cost was $400,000. The groups of lofty columns about the entrances and their classic details give the building a dignity worthy of its central position in the 'main picture' of the Exposition. The exhibits in the Palace of Electricity will make it a center of attraction for all who are concerned in electrical progress. The remarkable advance in electrical engineering and the new discoveries of the science during the last ten years made possible the most comprehensive exhibit ever assembled. Dynamos and motors of many kinds and new electrical machinery for a multiple of uses may be seen in operation. Definite progress has been made during recent years in the use of electricity in the treatment of diseases. How it is thus used is illustrated with X-ray apparatus and the famous Finsen light. The progress in electric lighting and the use of electric power is shown. Small but powerful electric locomotives for mining purposes make an interesting exhibit. The wonders of electro-chemistry are illustrated.

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